Emotions when you trade.

Until you are good at your craft, you will be able to increase the size of your trades little by little. When trading larger positions, fear can disrupt the way that you trade. That’s what it does. Fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil pain or even caused by too much adrenaline on the side. Whether the threat is real, unknown, or just a mere of imagination, it doesn’t matter because your feeling is valid. When fear persists, it tends to take over your emotions and causes you to make decisions based on fear and not based on your trade plan.

What measures do you use to manage your emotions?

Talk soon,

Al Losada

Founder |  SimpleOptionStrategies.com

P.S. For live trade alerts, please check out our SOS Trade Alerts. We will be opening to new subscribers on Aug 3rd, 2021.

You can also check out my YouTube Channel at SOS YouTube

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