SOS Trade Alerts | Telegram Installation Instructions
Follow the steps below to download Telegram and join the SOS Trade Alerts Channels!
STEP 1: Download Telegram
We use Telegram for our trade alerts because of its convenience, speed and security. So the very first thing you will need to do is to download Telegram.
Telegram will then open a channel call SOS Live. Click “Start Bot” or “Restart Bot” at the bottom of the SOS Live channel
STEP 5: Select your Subscription Plan (Free or Paid)
You will then see the selection panel in Telegram. Purchase the subscription plan that is right for you. This will allow you to have access to that chat groups and all channels associated to your subscription.
STEP 6: Complete Your Transaction (not needed for free channel)
Select “Credit/Debit Card” then select “Pay” and complete your transaction.
STEP 7: Join Our Channels (Free or Paid)
There will likely be more than one channel to join with your subcription.
Click on all the channels available to join.
For Errors:
You may receive an error during the selection process due to the channel link resetting.
Just wait a moment and try again.
If it still does not allow you to join the channels, delete the SOS Live channel in Telegram, click on this link: and try again.
STEP 8: Confirm
Once you have completed the channel and group selection process, confirm that you have the group and channels in your telegram app.
You may “Pin” up to five channels to the top of the telegram app for easy access.
If you any questions or are having trouble accessing the channels or group, reach out to me directly in telegram at @allosada. During trading days, which are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, it may take a while for me to respond but I will get back to you. I promise!
Our Spring Sale Has Started
You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide:
Our Spring Sale Has Started
You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide:
Our Spring Sale Has Started
You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide:
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