How to Manage Threatened SPX Credit Spreads
Change your Mindset and Reduce Large Losses
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Al Losada

Change your Mindset and Reduce Large Losses
As market conditions change, we must adapt our trade plans to remain profitable.
Recently I have had to come up with new ways of preventing large losses for the 0 DTE and 7 DTE trades.
Part of this process includes having a solid exit strategy – something that allows you to focus on ‘gaining’ rather than ‘losing.’
By doing so, your mindset is not focused on what you’ll lose or gain from a particular trade, but instead through high-probability trades and knowing with conviction that each one will end up being either profitable, adjusted or an inconsequential small loss.
During this live webinar, I’m going to teach these new tactics I’ve developed to all of you who are interested in joining me live
During this section, you will learn the nuances and distinctions of my strategy that make all the difference in the world of options trading.
Different trades need different approaches. Uncover the specific factors you should pay attention to when determining how to approach different trade scenarios.
Uncover the mysteries of ITM credit spreads and gain insight into the necessary capital requirements to manage them properly.
Identify and differentiate the advantages and disadvantages between call and put spreads, so you can determine the best route for you.
A great mindset is one of the most important keys to successful options trading. This section will include my top tips for setting yourself up for success, so you can begin your journey with the proper mindset for reducing large losses.
“5% account growth this week thanks to you Al! Giving me hope that I can achieve consistency 👍”
Wow. This has been outstanding. The guidance is realistic and not “pie in the sky” BS like many of the programs I have reviewed.
The risk is real and I know how to manage it now with a plan and have confidence that my trading will be consistent.
Thanks again this is the most comprehensive trading group I’ve come across you have something for every type of trader
Hi, my name is Al Losada and I have been trading stock and index options for over 10 years.
Before that, I traded stocks and commodities, but I did not find my niche until I fully embraced options trading.
My trading was inconsistent at best but now I trade consistently profitable.
Over the years I perfected my trading strategies and now I only use an handful of strategies that provide a consistent income stream.
I have a strong passion for trading and I am very passionate to see you succeed as well.
There really is no magic bullet that will take you from inconsistent returns to success, but there is a path that will get you there.
If you are willing to learn, commit the time and embrace some basic principles, you will achieve success!
In the end, it really was very simple for me. I found a handful of strategies that worked over and over again and only traded these strategies.
I now trade big, which should be the goal of every trader that wants to succeed in a big way.
I look forward to working with you!
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