How to Trade 0DTE SPX Credit Spreads
Generate Consistent Profits Trading on Same Day SPX Options
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Al Losada

Generate Consistent Profits Trading on Same Day SPX Options
While markets fluctuate, SPX 0 DTE has been the most profitable investment, working best when volatility is at its highest.
This is a trade that I place on almost every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The trade expires on the same day that it is placed.
I will share my trade plan, which inlcudes entry, exit and management when it goes wrong.
This is a trade that has no overnight risk.
Learn how to efficiently and effectively determine which strikes are best for a variety of different scenarios.
Understand the best tactics to keep your losses in check while still positioning yourself to capitalize on potentially high rewards in the 0 day expiration market. Gain insight into the right stop order type and level that you should consider to maximize success.
Sometimes 0 DTE strategies come with a higher level of risk. Be armed with the proper strategies and knowledge to be able to accurately assess a potentially threatening position and then act accordingly to minimize the associated risk.
Understand the differences between Iron Condors and Verticals so you can know when it’s best to employ each of these two 0 DTE strategies. Find out the variables that can give you a better understanding of the opportunities available for you to benefit from 0 day expiration trades.
There are instances when it’s better to not be active in this type of option strategy. Get a comprehensive overview of the reasons why you may want to step away from the 0 DTE market and look elsewhere.
“5% account growth this week thanks to you Al! Giving me hope that I can achieve consistency 👍”
Wow. This has been outstanding. The guidance is realistic and not “pie in the sky” BS like many of the programs I have reviewed.
The risk is real and I know how to manage it now with a plan and have confidence that my trading will be consistent.
Thanks again this is the most comprehensive trading group I’ve come across you have something for every type of trader
Hi, my name is Al Losada and I have been trading stock and index options for over 10 years.
Before that, I traded stocks and commodities, but I did not find my niche until I fully embraced options trading.
My trading was inconsistent at best but now I trade consistently profitable.
Over the years I perfected my trading strategies and now I only use an handful of strategies that provide a consistent income stream.
I have a strong passion for trading and I am very passionate to see you succeed as well.
There really is no magic bullet that will take you from inconsistent returns to success, but there is a path that will get you there.
If you are willing to learn, commit the time and embrace some basic principles, you will achieve success!
In the end, it really was very simple for me. I found a handful of strategies that worked over and over again and only traded these strategies.
I now trade big, which should be the goal of every trader that wants to succeed in a big way.
I look forward to working with you!
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