How to Generate Monthly Income using the 7DTE (Weekly) Credit Spread Trade
Generate Consistent Profits Trading on Weekly Expiring SPX Options
What you Will Learn in this 1 hour Webinar:
How to identify the strikes and strike prices you will use
Uncover how to read charts and leverage historical data to identify strike prices for 7 DTE trades. Learn how to assess and manage the impact of market volatility on option premiums.
How many contracts and expiration periods should be used for 7 DTE.
Dive into the impact of varying trade sizes and expiration date selection when engaging in 7 DTE trading. Understand which expiration date should be used for a particular position size and the right trade size for the right option strikes.
How best to mitigate a 7DTE that is threatened
Learn the various strategies and tactics to protect your capital when trading 7 DTE. Develop a comprehensive risk mitigation strategy that limits losses.
Know when to use an Iron Condor or a Vertical
Get guidance and tips on how to recognize the difference between an Iron Condor and Vertical when trading 7 DTE. Learn when to use an Iron Condor versus a Vertical in different market environments.
When not to trade 7DTE (Very important)
Find out how to identify when a 7-day trading opportunity isn't the right option, and understand how to stay safe and manage your money in situations where a 7DTE trade may not be suitable.
What I think about this Trade
The 7 DTE trade is what I call the sweet spot of the SPX Credit Spread trades.
Other than the monthly expiration trade, it is the most consistent money maker for me.
You will learn how I trade this including entry, exit and management.
I will also share my detailed trade plan.
Al Losada
Webinar Host Founder - Simple Option Strategies
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